Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Collapse Of Communism During The Soviet Union

Thea Vandyke B00570936 Peter Arthur Robert Finbow November 30, 2014 POLI 2300 A Failure to Adapt: Why Communism Survived in China and failed In the USSR The eventual demise of Communism in the USSR was a direct consequence of the Soviet Union’s failure to adapt to the changes occurring in the world during the 1920’s to the 1940’s. Unlike Communist China, the USSR failed to place economic growth ahead of political reform. In this regard, Russia was unsuccessful in establishing a national identity and in instituting a stable government through popular consent of its people. Moreover, Communist Russia failed to create a national identity, ignoring the multitude of ethnic minorities existing in the USSR. Arguably, the future stability of the two previously conventional Communist countries, will reflect their ability to develop a market economy, establish a stable government, and be recognized and involved on a global scale. As indicated, the Soviet Union failed to place economic reform ahead of political change, which ultimately resulted in the failure of communism in Russia. In the face of a global market economy and Western Capitalism, the USSR demonstrated ambivalence about joining the international order. Traditional communist ideology was to provide for every individual an equal amount of goods and services, thus creating a state of equality amongst the populous (Leveler, 16). Within the USSR, several individuals felt as if their current hardships could be blamed onShow MoreRelatedThe Collapse Of The Communist Soviet Union Ultimately Led1651 Words   |  7 PagesThe collapse of the communist Soviet Union ultimately led to the end of the cold war. The dissolution of the USSR in 1991 left the United States as the sole superpower. Thus highlighting the inferiority of communism and the superiority of western capitalism. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Changes in Communication Technology and Media Have...

Introduction Newspapers and Magazines have altered significantly since the late 1990s and continue to change due to the rapid developments of technology. Conversion of newspaper to online, instant access to news and online magazines are considerable changes within the print media industry due the technological advancements since the late 1990’s. News content can now be streamed on any technological device, therefore the news can be now be carried around and checked at anytime and anywhere in the world instantly. News online is becoming a more convenient substitute for the old newspaper due to the convenience of the holding a small mobile device to look up news stories compared to holding a large newspaper. Online magazines provide an†¦show more content†¦With this being said, newspapers will still be sold but the production and distribution of newspapers is costly. In comparison to online news outlets due to having to print millions of copies of newspapers then distributing them out to residential and business areas. This is also a time consuming task especially when the news is always occurring, however with the news proceeding to the internet the days of hefty production and distribution costs will be in the past. Therefore, having media online would be more cost effective and includes many benefits that are more appealing. Paragraph 2 The convenience of having the news streamed directly onto your mobile or tablet device continues to be the driving force in the change from newspapers to online media. Before the development of online media, newspapers were only in paper form and had to be purchased for a small fee at local store. These days newspapers are being produced and distributed through various multi-media platforms (A, Greenhill, G, Graham 2013). The online media-platforms is converged and customised specifically for the reader (Deuze and Neuberger 2007). News sites can now publish breaking stories and can be seen instantly and updates can be known as soon as the story has new developments. According to online news: journalism and the internet the Oklahoma City bombing on 19th of April 2005 has been regarded as a moment in history where online media was used for theShow MoreRelatedThe Between Mass Media And Digital Media Essay1501 Words   |  7 Pagesdo multiple media forms. Broadly, convergence is the ble nding of multiple media forms into one platform for purposes of delivering a dynamic experience. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, media convergence can be described as a â€Å"phenomenon involving the interconnection of information and communications technologies, computer networks, and media content. It brings together the â€Å"three C’s†Ã¢â‚¬â€computing, communication, and content—and is a direct consequence of the digitization of media content andRead MoreThe Impact of New Media on Pr2511 Words   |  11 Pagesof new media on public relations Every once in a long while, the way that people receive and distribute news is majorly impacted by times and technology. The 20th century brought TV, radio, and the Internet. Just as these media channels defined their times, so the rise of new media will also define the 21st century. In modern society, all public relation practitioners are confronted with a startling series of new communications channels and struggle with the impact of new media. The new mediaRead MoreHow Media Has Changed The Modern Landscape Of Communications And Media1901 Words   |  8 PagesAs technology advances, modern mass media platforms have changed the way the audience receives information. 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Technology has been the life and blood in all the fields sinceRead MoreImproving Patient Satisfaction, Quality, And Performance1398 Words   |  6 PagesAmerican Well Advancements of technology continue to change the landscape and infrastructure of health care delivery in the United States and around the world. The healthcare industry has embraced advancements in technology and integrated computerized systems in an effort to improve patient satisfaction, quality, and performance. Telehealth is a form of healthcare delivery that provides immediate access to health services to rural populations, patients that are not able to physically attend medicalRead MoreA Brief Note On Journalism And Its Effects On Journalism1827 Words   |  8 Pagesalgorithms with the ability to report news without human intervention should be generated. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Cancer Essay Introduction Example For Students

Cancer Essay Introduction Word Count: 1209I chose to do my report onbecause it is a subject I want tolearn about and because it can probably fit 5 pages. Mybibliography is on the ending of the report, my teacher helped mewith it because I didnt know how to do it. Cancer is the name fortumors that are malignant. Malignant tumors do not respond tobody mechanisms that limit growing. Malignant tumors show a notnormal cell structure the same functional specialized cells. Alsocancer cells growing in laboratory tissue culture do not stopgrowing when they touch each other on a glass or other solidsurface but grow in masses several layers deep they are said to lackcontact inhibition. Loss of contact inhibition accounts for two othercharacteristics of cancer cells invasiveness of surrounding tissuesand metastasis spreading via the lymph system or blood to othertissues and organs. Cells are typically controlled by growth factorscompetence factors that stimulate cells to enter the beginning phaseof cell replication and p rogression factors that insure completion ofthe replication cycle. The unrestricted growth rates of cells are dueto the activation and lack of inhibition of oncogenes. They arecancer causing genes. Cancer tissue that grows without limits competes with normaltissue for nutrients kills the normal cells by nutritional deprivation. Cancerous tissue also causes secondary effects with the symptomsof a malignant growth caused by the pressure of the growing tumoragainst surrounding tissue or the metastasis of cancer cells andtheir invasion of other organs. Cancers are graded as to degree ofmalignancy on a scale of one through four the distinction betweeneven benign and malignant neoplasms is obscure. All organs andtissues are susceptible to cancer. A lot of human cancers may be caused or at least triggered byvarious chemical agents. Alkylating agents are thought to have acarcinogenic effect because they chemically alter the cells nucleicacids. Nitrites common additives in processed meat react withamines in the stomach to form nitrosoamines which someauthorities believe may be carcinogenic to humans. Othercommonly occurring carcinogens are azo dyes, polycyclichydrocarbons, and urethane. Certain carcinogens presentoccupational hazards. Asbestos particles once inhaled stay in thelung and act as an irritant. In the asbestos and constructionindustries workers have a high probability of developing a fatalcancer of the chest lining or abdominal lining 25 to 30 years afterthe initial inhalation of . Asbestos also has been linked to lung andcolon cancers in exposed individuals. Oral cancer common in Indiais commonly attributed to the chewing of betel nuts. Although theapparently increasing incidence of some types of highly malignantcanc ers certain lung cancers and may be a result of improvementsin disease detection and diagnosis cigarette smoking and anincrease of atmospheric pollutants are also thought to play a part. Increasing evidence implicates viruses in induction of cancer. In the early 20th century Peyton Rous an American virologistshowed that certain fowl sarcomas could be transmitted byinjection of an agent invisible under the microscope and latershown to be an RNA containing virus. Since then other oncogenicor tumor causing viruses have been identified in experimentalanimals. Viruses of the herpes group some of which cause coldsores and chicken pox have been shown to cause cancer inexperimental animals. Recent evidence indicates that othermembers of the herpes group such as the virus causing infectiousmononucleosis may cause human cancer. Human papillomavirushas also been shown to cause or initiate cancers. Some types ofHPV cause genital warts known as condylomata acuminata whichappear to cause invasive cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina, orpenis. There is evidence of synergistic effects of smoking andsome forms of HPV and cancer particularly cervical cancer inwoman. HPV 16 has been shown to be associated with some formsof Kaposis sarcoma. Surgical removal of the warts and lesions hasa 70% prevention of recurrence antiviral treatment with interferonsappear mildly successful when surgical removal is not successful. .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78 , .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78 .postImageUrl , .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78 , .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78:hover , .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78:visited , .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78:active { border:0!important; } .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78:active , .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78 .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uca69bdb1fc7d0b888226390c8dcd1e78:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Maybelline Case Study EssaySome cancers may be triggered by changes in the bodysinternal environment as hormone imbalances. A first reported in1970 some daughters of mothers who had been givendiethylstilbestrol during pregnancy to prevent miscarriagedeveloped vaginal adenocarcinomas as young women. There aregenetic tendencies for certain types of cancer like breast orstomach cancer and certain benign tumors like certain tumors ofthe eye, cartilage, and skin, some of which may later becomemalignant. Physical agents such as X-rays and radioactive elementsare also carcinogenic the high incidence of leukemia and othercancers in Japanese survivors of the atomic bombing of

Monday, December 2, 2019

The psychosocial changes incurred during adolescence Essay Example

The psychosocial changes incurred during adolescence Essay Adolescence is a key developmental stage in an individual’s life. It encompasses substantial changes physiologically, cognitively and socio-emotionally. Adolescence begins with the onset of puberty between 11-13 years and continues till the end of teenage years. Recent scientific evidence suggests that while physical growth stops in late teens, the cognitive development goes up to and beyond the age of 24. Family dynamics undergo changes when children turn adolescents. Parents feel that their children are becoming rebellious and argumentative. While this is true, it is a natural developmental stage through which adolescents individuate from their parents. While some amount of alienation from parents is requisite for healthy psychological development, adolescents still care what their parents think, and they still seek their love and guidance, albeit in an altered interpersonal setting. Psychologist Laurence Steinberg observes that dealing with adolescents is akin to building a boat. â€Å"Parents have to construct a strong underpinning so their kids are equipped to face whatever’s ahead. In the teen years, that means staying involved as they slowly let go. One of the things that’s natural in adolescence is that kids are going to pull away from their parents as they become increasingly interested in peers.† (Kantrowitz Springen, 2005, p. 50) Adolescents face a lot of peer-pressure. It is through conforming to this pressure that they convince themselves that they belong to the group. Some of the areas in which adolescents face peer pressure are in academic ability and social skills and vocational skills. By achieving these goals, they enhance their self-esteem and instils a belief that they can contribute constructively to the world around them. While peer pressure can be very stressful for some adolescents while others cope with it better. The contrary view among scientists these days is that teenage years can actually be relaxed and stress-free. A recent study published in The Journal of Early Adolescence shows We will write a custom essay sample on The psychosocial changes incurred during adolescence specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The psychosocial changes incurred during adolescence specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The psychosocial changes incurred during adolescence specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer â€Å"that there are quantifiable personality traits possessed by all adolescents who manage to get to adulthood without major problems. Psychologists have labeled these traits â€Å"the five C’s†: competence, confidence, connection, character and caring. These characteristics theoretically lead to a sixth C, contribution (similar to civic engagement). The five C’s are interconnected, not isolated traits.† (Kantrowitz Springen, 2005, p. 50) The lengthy period of adolescence in advanced societies today, spanning the entire teenage years, has no historical precedence. For the major part of human civilization, adolescent boys took work responsibilities and adolescent women got married and entered motherhood. As technology, standard of living and access to education to both sexes improved over the course of centuries, we now have a prolonged adolescence to contend with. In the eras that have gone by, for the vast majority of teenagers, â€Å"book learning and formal education were simply unavailable. In this radically different cultural and institutional setting, teens were expected to behave with far greater maturity and to take on adult roles. In response to those expectations, many (indeed almost all) actually did.† (Wax, 2012) In contemporary societies, by assigning only a few serious responsibilities to teens and demanding relatively little of them, we allow certain tendencies to emerge and even actively prom ote them. Adolescence is the time of maximum vitality, but it is also full of risk and vulnerability. When a rapidly growing body is paired with an immature and undeveloped mind, they are inclined to experiment with alcohol, drugs and sex. This vulnerability is exploited fully by the capitalist system, where adolescents are bombarded with advertisements for â€Å"unhealthy products and lifestyles – tobacco, alcohol, junk food – which doctors compare to an infectious disease epidemic.† (Laurance, 2012, p. 26) â€Å"While puberty catapults adolescents into a period of risky behavior powered by their raging hormones, their brains are ill-equipped to exert control and vulnerable to the effects of activities such as drinking and drug taking. Scientists say the adolescent brain is handicapped in the rational assessment of risk and prone to â€Å"hot cognitions† – decisions influenced by exciting or stressful conditions which adults are better able to resist.† (Laurance, 2012, p. 26) There is keen interest among teenagers to indulge in sexual activity. The hormonal upsurge that they experience makes it a physiological urge, but at the same time curiosity and boosting self-esteem are also behind it. Unfortunately, this heightened interest in sex among adolescents has made them vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), leading to â€Å"suspensions (or even arrests) resulting from students sending each other sexually explicit text messages. Another alarming trend is the downward expansion of casual sexual activity from college and university campuses to middle and high school buildings.† (Liace, Nunez, Luckner, 2011) This is certainly a negative tendency as it is potentially harmful both physically and psychologically. For example, early adolescent sexual activity brings with it the risk of unwanted pregnancy, propensity for depression, etc. References Kantrowitz, B., Springen, K. (2005, May 16). A Peaceful Adolescence; the Teen Years Don’t Have to Be a Time of Family Storm and Stress. Most Kids Do Just Fine, and Now Psychologists Are Finding out Why That Is. Newsweek International, 50. Laurance, J. (2012, April 25). Teenage Plus: The New Adolescence. The Independent (London, England), p. 26. Liace, L. K., Nunez, J. B., Luckner, A. E. (2011, March/April). Casual Sex in Adolescence: Outcomes and Implications for Practice. National Association of School Psychologists. Communique, 39(6), 1+. Wax, A. L. (2012, Summer). An Incomplete View of Adolescence. Issues in Science and Technology, 28(4), 8+.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Word Choice Each vs. Every - Writing Tips with Proofed

Word Choice Each vs. Every - Writing Tips with Proofed Word Choice: Each vs. Every â€Å"Each† and â€Å"every† are both determiners. They also both refer to something as singular. They are even interchangeable in some cases! As such, it’s not surprising that people mix them up sometimes. However, these terms also have slightly different uses, so you need to be careful to avoid errors. Each vs. Every (Groups of Three or More Things) Both of these terms can be used to refer to a group of people or things. For example: We were told to read each book on the list. We were told to read every book on the list. In this case, both sentences imply reading all of the books on the list. The only difference is that â€Å"each† makes us think of reading the books one by one, while â€Å"every† makes us think of them collectively. But this only works when the group comprises three or more things. And the difference between these terms becomes obvious if we apply them to a group of two things. Each vs. Every (Two Things) If you are referring to two people or things, the word you will need is â€Å"each†: He had an apple in each hand. âÅ"“ He had an apple in every hand. âÅ"â€" The first sentence here implies that someone is holding two apples. The second sentence, by comparison, suggests that we’re dealing with some kind of many-handed octopus man. Or possibly a Hindu deity. Every vs. All Since it is used for larger groups, â€Å"every† is like the word â€Å"all† in that both terms refer to a group of three or more things collectively. However, â€Å"every† is only ever used with singular countable nouns, while â€Å"all† is used with plural nouns or uncountable nouns: Every alpaca deserves a hug. All alpacas deserve a hug. If we compare the sentences above, we can see the differences: â€Å"every† is used with a singular noun and a singular verb; â€Å"all† is used with a plural noun and plural verb. So while thinking of â€Å"every† as a synonym for â€Å"all† can be helpful, you still need to combine it with singular terms. Hug me! Each and Every? Finally, a quick note on the phrase â€Å"each and every.† Some people combine these terms as a form of emphasis when referring to larger groups. This is fine, but it is technically a redundant expression. You should not therefore use â€Å"each and every† in formal writing (e.g., a college paper).

Saturday, November 23, 2019

EFL to Foreigners

A Beginner's Guide for Teaching ESL / EFL to Foreigners There are many non-professional teachers who are teaching English as a 2nd or foreign language. The teaching setting varies widely; to friends, at a charity, on a volunteer basis, as a part-time job, as a hobby, etc. One thing quickly becomes clear: Speaking English as a mother tongue does not an ESL or EFL (English as second language / English as a foreign language) teacher make! This guide is provided for those of you who would like to know some of the basics of teaching English to non-native speakers of English. It provides some fundamental guidelines which will make your teaching more successful and satisfying for both the student and you. Get Grammar Help Fast! Teaching English grammar is tricky as there are so many exceptions to rules, irregularities of word forms, etc. that, even if you do know your grammar rules, you are probably going to need some help when providing explanations. Knowing when to use a certain tense, word form or expression is one thing, knowing how to explain this rule is quite another. I highly recommend getting a good grammar reference as quickly as you can. Another point to consider is that a good university-level grammar guide is really not appropriate for teaching non-native speakers. I recommend the following books which have been specially designed for teaching ESL / EFL: British Press Practical English Usage by Michael Swan published by Oxford University Press - Advanced - great for teachersEnglish Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy published by Cambridge University Press - for both beginners and intermediate American Press Understanding and Using English Grammar by Betty Schrampfer Azar published by Pearson ESL - Intermediate to advancedThe Advanced Grammar Book by Jocelyn Steer and Karen Carlisi published by Heinle Heinle Keep It Simple One problem that teachers often encounter is that of trying to do too much, too quickly. Here is an example: Lets learn the verb to have today. - OK - So, the verb to have can be used in the following ways: He has a car, Hes got a car, He had a bath this morning, He has lived here for a long time, If I had had the opportunity, I would have bought the house. Etc. Obviously, you are focusing on one point: The verb to have. Unfortunately, you are covering just about every usage of have which then also brings into play the present simple, have for possession, past simple, present perfect, have as an auxiliary verb etc. Overwhelming to say the least! The best way to approach teaching is to choose just one use or function, and focus on that specific point. Using our example from above: Lets learn the use have got for possession. He has got a car is the same as saying He has a car... etc. Instead of working vertically i.e. uses of have, you are working horizontally i.e. the various uses of have to express possession. This will help keep things simple (they are actually pretty difficult already) for your learner and give him/her tools on which to build. Slow down and Use Easy Vocabulary Native speakers are often not aware of how quickly they speak. Most teachers need to make a conscious effort to slow down when speaking. Perhaps more importantly, you need to become aware of the type of vocabulary and structures you are using. Here is an example: OK, Tom. Lets hit the books. Have you got through your homework for today? At this point, the student is probably thinking WHAT! (in his/her native language)! By using common idioms (hit the books), you increase the chance that the student will not understand you. By using phrasal verbs (get through), you can confuse students who may already have quite a good grasp of basic verbs (finish instead of get through in this case). Slowing down speech patterns and eliminating idioms and phrasal verbs can go a long way to helping students learn more effectively. Maybe the lesson should begin like this: OK, Tom. Lets begin. Have you finished your homework for today? Focus on Function One of the best ways of giving a lesson shape is to focus on a certain function and take that function as the cue for the grammar that is taught during the lesson. Here is an example: This is what John does every day: He gets up at 7 oclock. He takes a shower and then he eats breakfast. He drives to work and arrives at 8 oclock. He uses the computer at work. He often telephones clients... etc. What do you do every day? In this example, you use the function of talking about daily routines to introduce or expand on the simple present. You can ask the students questions to help teach the interrogative form, and then have the student ask you questions about your daily routines. You can then move on to questions about his/her partner - thereby including the third person singular (When does he go to work? - instead of - When do you go to work?). In this way, you help students produce language and improve language skills while providing them with structure and understandable chunks of language. The next feature in this series will focus on standard curriculums to help you structure your study and some of the better classroom books that are currently available.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Inclusion of Homosexuals in Government Service Essay

Inclusion of Homosexuals in Government Service - Essay Example It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures" (Lutz, 2004, 192). The male homosexuals are popularly known as gays and female homosexuals, lesbians. The subject of homosexuality has been phenomenally discussed and many thoughts have been developed over the past years. Experts such as psychologists and scholars have developed many insights on it, which became the basis for further analysis and critical thinking by doctors, psychiatrists, society and judiciary. This phenomenon has been legally intervened all over the world many times, but that attempt has been criticized by homosexuals on the plea that it is equal to the denial of human rights. Hence, there have been arguments both in favor of and against this phenomenon across courtiers in the world. Some feel that homosexuality is a criminal offence and homosexuals have to be trailed, charged and imprisoned for developing good behavior and lead a dignified life. A few think that it is the resul t of bad thinking / mental disorder and they can be corrected through counseling, personal repentance and believing to god. It is also believed by some people that it is a quite natural and normal phenomenon, which is genetically developed. The issue is getting more and more public support and it is evident from a recent public opinion poll in the US, which reveals that "the public is slowly shifting towards acceptance of a homosexual orientation as normal and natural for a minority of adults. Increasingly, Americans support equal rights for gays and lesbians, including the right to marry or enter into civil unions" (About Public Opinion). At this juncture, this paper attempts to explore the various thoughts on homosexuality and its repercussions on various walks of life. It also tries to assess the involvement of homosexuality in government sector in the US. The paper takes a narrative approach to describe the issue of homosexuality in the US in general and in the government sector in particular. The paper takes in detail the issue of homosexuality and its reasons with great emphasis on the much debated opinion that whether homosexuality is innate or chosen. As already stated one of the factors that influence man to become homosexual is genetics. The main contention of this argument is that men and women become gay and lesbian not because they do not intend to be straight, but they are influenced by the inborn and environmental factors. In this context, the present essay tries to explore the findings of various studies undertaken across the world on homosexuality and homosexual behavior with more emphasis on genetically motivated behavior rather than chosen behavior. The paper focuses on the genetically motivated homosexuality among men and women and the discussion, throughout the paper relies on the controversy that homosexuality is innate and there is nothing contrary to natural in it. Studies undertaken across the world are reviewed and analyzed critically to arrive at logical conclusions on homosexuality. Further, the paper tries to investigate into the involvement of homosexual practice among government employees in the United State s of America. The paper also throws lights on the implications of the inclusion of homosexuals in the government service of the Federal Government. Many instances of dismissal and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Communication Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Communication Technology - Essay Example The meaning of the word â€Å"communication† is at once both clear and obscure. It is clear enough in conventional usage, but obscure when we seek to determine the limits of its application. To illustrate, if someone talks to another and common understanding results (indicated by mutually satisfactory action), we have no qualms about saying that communication has occurred. If, however, misunderstanding results (indicated by mutually unsatisfactory action), we are uncertain whether we should say that there has been poor, or no, communication. (David, Kenneth,1970:15). Definitions of â€Å"communication† fall into two broad categories. In one category are those definitions which limit the process of communication to those stimulus-response situations in which one deliberately transmits stimuli to evoke a response. In the other category are those definitions that include within the area of communication stimulus-response situations in which there need not be any intention of evoking a response in the transmission of the stimuli. The second category obviously overlaps the first. (David, Kenneth,1970:16) Mathematical Model of Communication: Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver published a model; the model uses boxes and arrows to represent the communication process. However, the model is a little bit complex. Box-and-arrow models of communication: This model breaks the communication stream into components i.e. sender, message, and receiver and the direction of influence. In the diagram below arrows go from left to right, that is, from a sender to a receiver, the idea is that it is the sender who, through messages or speeches, brings about communication influences on the receiver. Group Communication Model: This model emphasizes communication within an organization i.e. the flow of messages between two individuals or within a group of people.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Definition of art Essay Example for Free

Definition of art Essay A number of people have asked about the value of addressing aesthetics, the philosophy of art, or the definition of art. The reasoning is that if it is so difficult to define, it must therefor be ultimately subjective, and each person should just determine for herself what it is. Perhaps we all do determine for ourselves the meaning of anything. Because, as in the tree falling in the forest example, the meaning does not exist if it does not exist for me personally. I am allowed to define table or chair any way I wish for myself, but if I hope to communicate with others about tables and chairs, the meaning or definition must be shared. And that shared meaning derives from a combination of (a) acquired meanings from those whom we give credibility and (b) connotations developed from our experiences with tables and chairs. If there were really no way to define art, there would be no way to determine what is art, and art could be anything. Fortunately, art can be defined, although not succinctly in verbal form, as we might define table or chair. We learn the definition indirectly through understanding why works have been labeled art by critics and artists in the past, and directly by understanding the perspectives of those critics and artists. From the standpoint of complete subjectivity, if art can be anything, it is meaningless as a term == art is everything and nothing. There is nothing that is not art, so everything is art. The term art has no shared meaning and has no value in communication, and yet we use it all the time. By what criteria do you determine what is art for yourself? Because it pleases you? Because it pleases your friends, or someone you respect, or most people around you? What criteria constitute pleasing? What does it do to please? From another perspective, other than pragmatic needs, by what criteria do we select a season? Or what material we place in museums? By what criteria do we judge quality? How do we determine good from not good? Whatever criteria we use become our criteria for our aesthetic, which then become, in fact, our definition of our art. It is useful and valid for us to question what those criteria are, to challenge the validity of those criteria, and to constantly explore new criteria to define the art experience. In order to comprehend the options of criteria, the kinds of questions to ask of our criteria, the possible limits of our personal vision, it is worthwhile to explore the explorations of others. Understand that the definition of art and the determination of quality are linked and mutually affected. Alter one and the other is changed. One additional concern is the value in trying to understand how art works have meaning. Once we begin to explore this as artists, our work instantly changes dimension. It moves from the surface to the soul and allows us to refocus on the meaningful.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Internet bank failures :: essays research papers

Product failures happen more often than many people would think. The failure can result from many elements of a products campaign such as the introduction to a stale market, missing the target through improper ad campaigns, and most importantly, not modifying a products concept to appeal to a foreign market. Web banks, also known as internet-based banks, are one such example where the success that originated in the United States was not transferred to Europe. Instead, failure occurred because of three main reasons: the money plant, the lack of access points, internet fraud, and lack of unity among neighboring countries. Banking in Europe before the introduction of web banks was very basic. People were drawn to the personal attention they received from the customer service staff, the multiple access points such as ATM’s and local branches, and the ability to use new technology such as the internet to check balances and transfer funds. The banking structure was very similar across borders of countries and was what people were used to since the evolution of banking. People trusted their banks and showed a great deal of brand loyalty, an important factor that was overlooked when introducing web banks in Europe. Web Banks very quickly turned into a large failure for many companies across Europe. The initial concept of web banks was that they would provide many services to you in the comfort of your own home, often at far lower rates than traditional banks. While many traditional banks such as Vontobel Holding AG have many requirements to hold accounts with them such as a minimum balance charge and low interest rates, web banks main concept was to offer banking for free with no balance requirements, multiple loan opportunities, and the tracking of many separate accounts under one umbrella. Realization soon came that most banks were built on the personal customer service that it provided and the money that kept the bank afloat was the money earned off loan interest and account charges. This left many bankers in Europe to second guess the new web banks. "It would have been hard for us to establish full relationships with new customers, and we couldn't really see where the revenue was going to come from." With no solid revenue stream and no personal attention, a cornerstone for banking success, it is any wonder that the proposed web banks even were invested in.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Changing Nature of Higher Education Essay

Proprietary education first appeared in the 1600’s about the same time that institutions like Harvard were being created. For much of US History these schools provided popular mass education in contrast to traditional colleges that were often reserved for the elites (Thelin, 2011). Generally, the purpose of these schools, besides profitability was to provide practical and narrowly focused training, thus filling a need not addressed by traditional education (Beaver, 2009). In addition, for-profits also became known for providing training for minorities, women, and in general, students from the lower social strata, a trend that would continue well into the 20th century (Apling, 1993). From an historical perspective, for-profits have experienced periods of relative prosperity and decline. In terms of prosperity, the peak occurred following the civil war as proprietary institutions sought to provide training for an expanding industrial sector. By 1893, there were approximately 115,748 students enrolled at for-profit schools (Beaver, 2009). On the other hand during the Progressive Era, for-profit schools were deemed unnecessary and invaluable especially if traditional schools were developed and managed efficiently. By 1972, amendments to the Higher Education Act permitted students attending for-profit schools to receive federal student-aid such as grants and loans (Thelin, 2011). Congress believed that students attending these institutions should receive an equal opportunity regardless of their disadvantaged backgrounds. As a result, it is estimated that during that year, for-profits accounted for one-half the increase in higher education’s total enrollment (Beaver, 2009). It is interesting to note that tuition levels at many for-profits are set in accordance with the typical amount of government sponsored aid available to the student, thus questions have been raised regarding the accountability of many proprietary institutions with regard to quality student learning. This paper will focus on how governmental accountability standards have transformed policies and procedures at Everest Institute a subsidiary of Corinthian Colleges. Changing Faces of Public Accountability Both public and private institutions are held accountable to the people that support them (Altbach, Berdahl, & Gumport, 2005). For public institutions their support is primarily from the public; however private institutions such as Everest are governed by their stockholders and a governing board of directors. The interests of these institutions are determined by both external and internal political policies that can create a complex system of compromises and the accommodation of several different conflicting objectives (2005). There was a point in time when the general public was not interested in how colleges and universities conducted business. However, times have since changed. Citizens now realize that their future economic, social, and cultural norms are directly influenced by higher education (Altbach, Berdahl, & Gumport, 2005). This increased awareness by citizens, politicians and law makers led to a demand for more accountability in higher education. The early accountability movement went beyond ensuring compliance with federal funding requirements. Research has shown that management fads in the world of business often time find their way into education, and perhaps some of the focus on accountability in higher education was the result of the Total Quality Management frenzy which firmly took hold in the for-profit business sector by the late 1980s and early 1990s (Castigili & Turi, 2011). Eventually, the quality process was being applied to academic settings. This process where the term quality was referred to giving the student customer a desired product at a reasonable cost (2011). Terms such as assessment, informed decision making, and continuous improvements became common terminology in academia just as they were in the business world. As a result, educational bodies of accreditation began require colleges and universities demonstrate accountability in their self-assessments. However, it was the famous 2006 Spellings Report that established higher education reform. Education Secretary Margaret Spellings and the Commission on the Future of Higher Education attempted to incorporate the concept of Total Quality Management into higher education. The Commission also sought to reprogram U. S. colleges in to providing the highest possible quality of education at the lowest possible cost (Basken, 2007). One of the most important of the commission’s recommendations was for colleges and universities to address the â€Å"inadequate transparency and accountability for measuring institutional performance† (Spellings Commission, 2006, p. 13). For many faculty members and administrators in higher education, it was the principle that was deemed contentious and not the quest for high quality (Castigili & Turi, 2011). However, before the Spellings Commission began its deliberations, the majority colleges and universities had already began to adopt cultures of assessment, and were utilizing the results of their assessments in order to improve student learning. The Spellings commission also called for accountability measures that allowed comparisons of student performance. The American Council on Education and several other groups in higher education interpreted this recommendation as a mandate for standardized testing (Basken, 2007). American colleges and universities have always been resistant to standardized testing and accountability templates because many of them feel that they do not account for the plurality of institutional missions and seem to shift the purpose of assessment from self-improvement to reporting. Standardized accountability requirements do not take into account the complexity of the education that takes place in colleges and universities and could have an impact on the overall process of higher education (Castigili & Turi, 2011). Recent efforts of U. S. olicy makers with regards to accountability in higher education have been negatively compared to the No Child Left Behind Act, which, which may educators feel led to the practice of â€Å"teaching to the test† (Cohen, 2009). If the requirement of standardized testing in higher education created the same or similar results, the impact on higher learning would be devastating. However, long before standardized testing became an issue that threatened colleges and universities, Banta (1996) as referenced in (Castigili & Turi, 2011), claimed the requirements of accountability â€Å"seem to chafe at the very soul of the academic enterprise (p. 7). â€Å" The foundation of that which Kuh (2007) referred to as â€Å"higher education’s aversion to transparency and accountability (p. 32)† could possibly be the concern that the need to report outcomes might weaken the primary purpose of assessment, which is ultimately, improving student learning. Evolution of Accountability for Corinthian Colleges According to the Corinthian Colleges website, Corinthian Colleges Inc. (CCI) provides a friendly, small campus atmosphere where dedicated staff and faculty take a personal interest in the progress of each student. The company operates 105 schools in 25 states in addition to 17 schools in Canada. CCI serves a large and growing segment of individuals seeking to acquire careers in the Health Care, Business, Criminal Justice, Transportation Technology, Maintenance, Construction Trades and Information Technology fields. With more than 17,000 employees in North America, Corinthian Colleges is committed to continue to provide quality instruction and fulfill the mission of changing student’s lives. It is the belief of CCI that consistent application of core values such as integrity, teamwork and accountability depends upon each employee making ethical decisions everyday concerning every student every time. Because of recent headlines, the image of for-profit colleges has become considerably questionable. The media and Senate hearings have reported aggressive and unethical behaviors consistent with unethical business practices. In 2011 The Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued its findings after conducting undercover testing of 15 for-profit colleges in the United States. The GAO found that 4 colleges promoted and encouraged its admission representatives to engage in fraudulent practices (De Vise, 2011). The GAO reported that all of the 15 colleges made false or misleading statements to undercover applicants. The misleading statements were directly related to potential, earnings, financial aid, and student loan repayments. Undercover investigators stated that many of them engaged in substandard academic performance that would have almost certainly resulted in censure at any other institution (De Vise, 2011). There were also reports of students cutting classes, plagiarism, missed assignments, and incorrect assignments being submitted for full credit. Everest was one of 15 for-profit colleges cited by the GAO for deceptive or questionable statements that were made to undercover investigators posing as applicants. Two unnamed campuses were cited in this report (Lewin, 2011). Additionally, the U. S. Department of Education statistics indicated that Everest College graduates had the highest default rate of any school in California for students entering repayment in 2010 (U. S. Department of Education, 2010). It is unclear if Everest North Miami was one of the campuses cited in the GAO report, however, the results of the report led to swift and immediate change in the way the campus operated. Three primary areas received the most attention. First, admissions officers and career services representatives were required to participate in a mandatory training that dealt with how to properly converse with students when speaking about enrollment and placement. Program Directors and a representative from Financial Aid, Admissions, and Career Services were required to attend daily at-risk meetings in order to decrease student absences and also provide administrators with an overall picture of those student who were at risk so that budgetary forecasting could be more accurate and less inflated. Lastly, Career Services Representatives were required to spend more time in the field recruiting new business that would be willing to hire students following graduation. They were also required to take additional training regarding placement rate reporting. Managing Gainful Employment and Placement at Everest Current law requires that private sector institutions prepare students for â€Å"gainful employment in a recognized occupation. † In other words, graduates from these institutions must be able to get jobs in their respective fields of study, or the school may risk losing their accreditation. Newly introduced standards would require that student borrowing and loan repayment be regulated to ensure that students are not loaded up with federal and high cost private loans and debt that many students are unlikely to ever repay. Students at for-profit colleges make up 12 percent of those in higher education, but almost half of those who default on student loans (Lewin, 2011). The alarming number of students that have defaulted on their student loans was the catalyst the led to this sweeping legislation. According to Stratford (2012), the cohort default rate is the percentage of borrowers who default on their student loans due to their inability to make payments. Nelson (2012) pointed out that over 9 percent of all students that borrow money to pay for their education, default on their loans in the first two years after they begin to make repayment. The research also noted that 13. 4 percent of student default within the first three years of repayment (2012). Examining gainful employment at any institution is important because it has a direct connection to the cohort default rate. If students are unable to secure meaningful career opportunities following graduation, then they are unable to afford student loan repayments. This is of a major concern not only to legislators, but also to the general public since student loans are funded by the taxpayer. Thus, there has been an increase for accountability for all schools who receive federal financial aid dollars. There is also a concern for the school because default rates are a factor in the institutions eligibility to receive federal student-aid (Stratford, 2012). This is increasingly important for small proprietary schools such as Everest since over 90 percent of proprietary schools revenues are generated through federal student-aid programs such as Stafford loans (Ausik, 2011). Under the new regulations, aimed to reign in for-profit education programs that saddle students with more loan debt than they can pay, programs that receive students’ federal grants and loans because they â€Å"prepare students for gainful employment† will have to pass at least one of three tests: 1) a student loan repayment of at least 35 percent; 2) a ratio of no more than 30 percent between debt that must be repaid each year and annual discretionary income; 3) a ratio of no more than 12 percent between debt and overall income (De Vise, 2011). The new rules take a â€Å"three strikes and you’re out† approach. The first time a program fails to meet all three criteria, it would have to develop and report how much it missed the benchmarks and what it will do to improve. The second time, it would have to warn student that they may not be able to repay their debt and that the program could lose its eligibility. However, a third strike within the four year period would result in the loss of the ability to offer federal student aid (Lewin, 2011). In order to improve placement rates, Everest Institute required that a Career Service Advisor be present at each daily at-risk meeting in order to discuss student placement rates and also to identify with the Program Director those students that were close to graduation. Additionally, each advisor was required to make initial contact with the prospective graduate at the start of their last semester or module in order to develop a relationship with the student and begin developing a job placement plan. The Career Services Department was required to interact more with the Program Directors and gain contact information of students that recently graduated, however, had not been placed. The advisor was responsible for developing a post-graduate placement plan for the student and reviewing the plan with the student on a weekly basis and tracking their individual progress. By assisting student to secure gainful employment, it provides them with a solid financial source of income to repay their student loans. Everest understands the importance of successfully placing student in careers that related to the major course of study. As more students are employed and able to repay their debt to the federal government, the cohort default rate for the institution will begin to decrease. Additionally, the success of the institution will help to increase student enrollments through the appropriate reporting mechanisms. These new initiatives help to create a positive environment where transparency and integrity are valued not only by the staff but also by the students that are being served. Mission and Future Implications Corinthian Colleges is currently undergoing changes within the organization in order to comply with new regulations from several external and government bodies. These and other mandates come as no surprise to the industry as several for-profit private institutions have allegedly been involved in unethical behaviors and practices. The leaders of these organizations are now forced to not only monitor performance and outcomes but to ensure that business is being conducted the right way. It is imperative that the leaders of the organization have a clear understanding of the dynamics of the organization in order to meet the immediate demands of the government. It is evident that Corinthian Colleges understands the urgency of the issue and measures are daily implemented in order to be in compliance. The process by which the organization chooses to disseminate the new policies will determine the success of change implementation. Change is difficult but necessary to achieve success. The Government is not suggesting but mandating that certain practices be overhauled, revised, and improved. Conclusion Despite the newly introduced demands from the Federal Government, Corinthian Colleges is committed to deliver their promise. With strict adherence to the company’s core values of Integrity, Customer Responsiveness, Respect, Innovation, Excellence, Teamwork, Innovation, Positive Energy, and Accountability, enables the execution of the overall strategic approach to become the best career education company in the world. Corinthians Colleges understands that the goal of transparency and accountability is to enable stakeholders to obtain clear and relevant information about college and university performance. McPherson and Shellenburger (2006) warned, however, about the misuse of assessment data. They urged that â€Å"accountability data be used only to compare specific universities with their own past performances and with the performance of comparable universities† (p. 3). To compare vastly different institutions would do far more harm than good, and potentially punish less-elite colleges and universities.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Historical Theory Essay

What is nursing Science? According to Barnett, nursing science is an identifiable with distinct knowledge that comprise of frameworks, theory and paradigms. In order to understand nursing science, I will discuss the historical development and explain the relationship between nursing profession and nursing science. Also, I will discuss how other disciplines can influence nursing science. This will help understand how theoretical thinking has evolved. Theory development and theory thinking was first intiated by Florence Nightingale. She presented the first nursing theory, the environmental theory. Her theory focused on the physical environment such as air, light, and warmth to restore the individuals health (George, 2011). Her work directed nursing practice for over a hundred and fifty years. As we jumped to the 1950’s, graduates from Columbia University developed the first concept of nursing theory. Theorists such as Hildegard E. Peplau, Faye Abdellah, and Lydia Hall are one of many theorists who used the biomedical model. This model focuses on what nurses do and their functional role (George, 2011). Hildegard Peplau focused on the professional relationship between the patient and nurse by focusing on the patients needs, feelings, problems and ideas. Faye Abdellah, however, focused on patient-centered care (George, 2011). While Lydia Hall uses the circle of care, core and cure. She uses the three circles to involve nurses and patients to care for illness. In the 1960s, theorists such as, Virginia Henderson, Ida Jean Orlando, and Ernestine Widenbach focused on nurse-patient relationship. Their theories focused on what nurses do and how patients perceives them (Walker and Avant, 2011). In 1965 the American Nurses Association (ANA) recommended two levels of education, the baccalaureate degree (the professional nurse), and the associated degree (the technical nurse). As a result of this, doctored prepared nurses became the next wave of nursing theorists (Walker and Avant, 2011). As we look into the 1970’s, this was an era were many theorists were first  presented, including Dorethea Orem, Jean Watson, and Patricia Benner. During this time, the understanding of research and knowledge of development increased. There was an understanding that research and theory together were required to produce nursing science. In the mid 1970s, the National League for Nursing (NLN) required all nursing schools to meet the accreditation standards by chosing, developing and implementing a conceptual framework. (George, 2011). This allowed students to apply theory to his/her nursing education (Walker and Avant, 2011). Towards the late 1970s, the first published journal, Advances in Nursing Science focuses on theory building, analysis and theory application. This journal was used as a forum for debate and discussion about theoretical thinking in nursing (Walker and Avant, 2011). This journal gave awareness of the need for concept and theory development. In the 1980s many theories were being reviewed and expanded. This was a period of major developments in nursing theory from the pre-paradigm to the paradigm period. To further the development of nursing, paradigms (models) provided perspectives in nursing practice, administration, and research (Alligod, 2011). This includes the work of Patricia Benner, Madeline Leininger, and Martha Rogers. There theories focused on the body of theoretical thought in nursing. As we get to the 1990s numerous nursing theories expaned and research studies were being tested. Middle-range theories guides clinical practice, while the circle of theory-research-practice provides the foundation of evidence-based and best practices(George, 2011). Theorists such as Martha Rogers, Ida King, and Patricia Benner, made revisions and refinements of their theories to implicate practice, research, education and the future. Now in the 21st century, nursing theory became more diverse. Diversity is now being accepted and embraced after many years of struggling with theories (George, 2011). The discipline of nursing now focuses on the humans, health, illness, relationships, therapeutics, caring, interactions, ethics and diversity, to provide a fertile ground for the development of research and evidence-based and research practices (George, 2011). Now that I have discussed the historical perspectives in nursing science, there is a relationship between nursing science and the profession. The goal of nursing science is to gain knowledge about human experiences through creative conceptualization and research. By applying nursing framework and theories will provide the foundation for professional nursing practice (George, 2011). It guides nurses in procedures, interpersonal engagement and value of professional practice. Also, Nursing theories will implement the critical thinking structures to direct clinical decision making for professional nursing and nursing practices (George, 2011). As we discussed the relationship between nursing science and the profession, theorists are influenced by other disciplines. Disciplines that theorist used are anthropology, philosophy, religion, education, social sciences and psychology. Madeline Leiniger used anthropology, philosophy, social science, religion and education to develop a discipline in transcultural nursing also known as culture care theory. Sister Callista Roy and Betty Neuman provided conceptual framework for nursing education and science (Eun-Ok,&Ju, 2012). In psychology, Nola Pender developed the Health Promotion model with the goal of achieving outcomes of health promoting behavior (George, 2011) By adapting these disciplines it allows theorists to build theories and framework in order to enhance nursing practice (George, 2011). I have explained the historical development of nursing science and the relationship between nursing science and the procession. As well as, the influences of anthropology, philosophy, psychology, social science, religion and education on nursing science to provide us and guide us in nursing practice.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Environmental Policy And Governance Example

Environmental Policy And Governance Example Environmental Policy And Governance – Case Study Example Unit Creating Clean Energy Sources for the Future and the Contribution to Technology development in the Same Fields Reflectionon the Case Study TopicEnvironmental policy involves the attainment of environmental; sustainability at all levels within the world’s environments. The core issues revolving around environmental policies and sustainability are air, water, land, waste water management, pollution and other factors within the perimeters of sustainability. Clean energy sources is the key component and goal to the realization of the sustainability aspect and the benefits of which are across the trans-boundaries (Tobin students and other academician conduct research in the field and with a lot of enthusiasm find new ideas in the field. The knowledge acquired through research is to be applied to help in developing the clean energy sources and this is how the researchers are to intervene in changing the situation of the world’s environments (Tobin & Boyadjis 2010, p 47) .The Contribution of the Case Study Topic to Academic LiteratureA lot of research has been done on clean energy development and energy alternatives, but little research has been done on the development of clean energy sources with consideration of the trans-boundary issues (Tobin & Boyadjis 2010, p 50). The intervention of clean energy techniques presents a lot of opportunities for restoration, conservation and preservation of the world’s resources and environments across cultural, geographic and political boundaries. Politics play an important role in the realization of the need to incorporate the clean energy policies and plans into the environmental policy frameworks.BibliographyTobin, M, & Boyadjis, G 2010, Preparing For A Clean-Energy Future, Financial Executive, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 47-51.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How Sociologists Define Human Agency

How Sociologists Define Human Agency Agency refers to the thoughts  and actions taken by people that express their individual power. The core challenge at the center of the field of sociology is understanding the relationship  between structure and agency. Structure refers to the complex and interconnected set of social forces, relationships, institutions, and elements of social structure that work together to shape the thought, behavior, experiences, choices, and overall life  courses of people. In contrast, agency is the power people have to think for themselves and act in ways that  shape their experiences and life trajectories. Agency can take individual and collective forms. Relationship Between Social Structure and Agency Sociologists understand the relationship between social structure and agency to be an ever-evolving dialectic. In the simplest sense, a dialectic refers to a relationship between two things, each of which has the ability to influence the other, such that a change in one requires a change in the other. To consider the relationship between structure and agency a dialectical one is to assert that while social structure shapes individuals, individuals (and groups) also shape social structure. After all, society is a social creation the creation and maintenance of social order require the cooperation of individuals connected through social relationships. So, while the lives of individuals are shaped by the existing social structure, they none the less have the ability   the  agency   to make decisions and express them in behavior. Reaffirm Social Order or Remake It Individual and collective agency may serve to reaffirm social order by reproducing norms and existing social relationships, or it may serve to challenge and remake social order by going against the status quo to create new norms and relationships. Individually, this might look like rejecting the gendered norms of dress. Collectively, the ongoing civil rights battle to expand the definition of marriage to same-sex couples shows agency expressed through political and legal channels. The Link to Disenfranchised Populations The debate about the relationship between structure and agency often comes up when sociologists study the lives of disenfranchised and oppressed populations. Many people, social scientists included, often slip into the trap of describing such populations as if they have no agency. Because we recognize the power of  social structural elements  like economic class stratification, systemic racism, and patriarchy, to determine life chances and outcomes, we might think that the poor, people of color, and women and girls are universally oppressed by social structure, and thus, have no agency.  When we look at macro trends and longitudinal data, the big picture is read by many as suggesting as much. Agency Is Alive and Well However, when we look sociologically at the everyday lives of people among disenfranchised and oppressed populations, we see that agency is alive and well, and that it takes  many forms. For example, many perceive the life  course of black and Latino boys, especially those who are born into lower socioeconomic classes, as largely predetermined by a raced and classed social structure that corrals poor folks into neighborhoods devoid of employment and resources, pours them into underfunded and understaffed schools, tracks them into remedial classes, and disproportionately polices and punishes them. Yet, despite a social structure that produces such troubling phenomena, sociologists have found that black and Latino boys,  and other disenfranchised and oppressed groups,  exert agency in this social context in a variety of ways. It Takes Many Forms Agency might take the form of demanding respect from teachers and administrators, doing well in school, or even disrespecting teachers, cutting classes, and dropping out. While the latter instances might seem like individual failings, in the context of oppressive social environments, resisting and rejecting authority figures that steward oppressive institutions have been documented as an important form of self-preservation, and thus, as agency. Simultaneously, agency in this context may also take the form of staying in school and working to excel, despite the social structural forces that work to impede such success.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Parenting and Support Needs of a Multi-Risk Family Case Study

Parenting and Support Needs of a Multi-Risk Family - Case Study Example There are several reasons that the Angela Greer family would request for services and referral. To begin with, the mother needed referrals to enable her to abstain from taking drugs since she was a drug addict. For instance, when their second child, Monique was born, she tested positive for cocaine and there were traces of other opiates in her body system as well. Angela needed referral and counseling to help her stop abusing drugs and take good care of the children from the children’s father was currently in prison serving fifteen-year sentence for weapons charges and drug trafficking. There was a need for her to abstain from taking drugs and focus on how to take care of the children because she was the only one to play this responsibility. In addition, another reason for referral and request for service of this family was to ensure that the children have an access to education and good care. This is because the two children were placed under the care of their grandmother Lor etta while Angela was under treatment and counseling. The grandmother lives under fixed income that is insufficient to take care of the children as well as paying school fees for Shantae. The grandmother, Loretta is also old and suffers from arthritis and high blood pressure and this makes her unable to take the children to school every now and then. Requesting for service has highly helped the children to continue with their education as well as catering for school fees the two parents are unable to pay for the fees.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Legal Memo Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Legal Memo - Thesis Proposal Example In Blair v. Tynes, 610 So.2d 956, 960 (La.Ct.App. 1st Cir.1992), it was held by the court that people who suffered psychological distress on account of the failure of the enforcement authorities, to uphold law and order, could claim damages for serious mental distress. The tort of severe emotional distress, aims to provide recoverable damages for those who have undergone mental anguish, grief or fright due to the acts of another person. The factors necessary to establish this tort are ambiguous, which explains the divergent court decisions. As such, this tort attempts to ensure that the members of a civilized society are not exposed to behavior that is emotionally distressing and outrageous. To claim damages under La. C. C. art 2315.6, for intentional infliction of emotional distress, the plaintiff has to prove that she had suffered a traumatic injury that resulted in mental distress. For the purposes of this tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress, the conduct should be so extreme and outrageous that all possible limits of decency are crossed. In addition, such conduct should be atrocious and absolutely intolerable in any civilized society. In Donnie Norred and Wife, Shirley Norred and Arlen J. Guidry and Wife, Linda J. Guidry v. Radisson Hotel Corporation and Radisson Hotels International, Inc., 95 0748 (La.App. 1 Cir. 12/15/95); 665 So. 2d 753, a wife claimed damages against a hotel, where her husband had been robbed. Her claim was for emotional distress caused by the incident. The court held that she could not claim such damages, as she could not establish that she had undergone genuine and serious emotional distress. As such, she had not been present during the robbery. In Estate of Rayo Lejeune v. Rayne Branch Hospital., 88-890 (La. App. 3 Cir. 2/10/89); 539 So. 2d 849, a wife claimed damages for the mental anguish caused to her, when she saw her comatose husband covered with rat bites in the hospital. Supreme Court

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Should the top executives of the major banks that received bail-out Term Paper

Should the top executives of the major banks that received bail-out money be allowed to receive large bonuses - Term Paper Example The act of providing additional capital to banks and other organizations when they face the danger of bankruptcy is called bailout. During the last few years, most of the major banks in America were provided with bailout money so that they would be saved from the danger of insolvency and thereby liquidation. Since banking sector is the growth engine of a nation’s economy, government must give great care to its maintenance. In addition, the regulators can also play a vital role in preventing the disastrous effects of bankruptcy by the effective application of various financial tools. This paper has been drafted with intent to explore the ethical range of paying large bonuses to top executives of major banks that received bailout money. Bailout and its impacts on economic sector The bank bailout has a far reaching impact on a nation’s economy as it is spent out of extra budgeted money. The general public of the nation largely suffers from the bank bailout since it leads t o the downturn of economy. Similarly, many investors and shareholders may lose money on their investment due to the economic collapse of banks; and therefore they hesitate to go with further dealings. The foreign investors and companies may also lose their interest in a weaker banking sector and it would adversely affect the financial viability of the nation as a whole. In the opinion of McKay (2010), the taxpayer money has been employed to meet the cash reserve needs of the banks. The money from the treasury is used to carry out fund operations, if the banks have not repaid the money (pp. 50-51). Therefore, the Federal Reserve is forced to pay more money to the banking industry at the time of depression and it breaks balanced financial structure of the various policy based operations. McKay also indicates that the banks generally utilize the cash deposits from the customers to ‘purchase mortgage-backed securities, collateralized debt, and loan obligations. In most cases, they are valued worthless and it would badly impinge on the rate of return on bank’s transactions. Likewise, it is reported that some major American banks had inflated their profit in order to attract more investors and creditors. As a result, many creditors have not been still reimbursed for their claims. â€Å"When banks fail, getting credit and loans becomes more difficult. This makes the process more difficult for the people looking to buy cars, homes, and property and perhaps for students trying to obtain educational loans† (McKay,2010, p.53). Similarly, the businessmen would not get adequate assistance from the banks and it would impede the industrial growth of the country. The failure of banks and subsequent bailout leads to incredible job losses within the country. Moreover, when the banks are compelled to withstand with the bailout money, they cannot implement new policies and programs. In short, the process of bailout will certainly cause the economic diminution of the whole country. Top executives of banks and their bonus payment Usually, banks pay high salaries to their top executives with intent to retain them in the organization since they are the skippers who lead the day to day activities. I am of the opinion that top executives of the banks that received bailout money should not be allowed to collect large bonuses. As the top executives are the decision takers of the organization regarding various matters, they are also responsible for the

Monday, October 28, 2019

An Analysis Of Drug Dealing Criminology Essay

An Analysis Of Drug Dealing Criminology Essay A drug is a substance that influences biological processes is too inclusive. Broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function. There is no single, precise definition, as there are different meanings in drug control law, government regulations, medicine, and colloquial usage. Definition may be more or less useful according to a specific setting or context. For drugs three such contexts come to mind: medical utility, psycho activity and illegality. The medical utility definition regards a drug as a substance that is used by physicians to treat the body or mind .Obviously, the medical definition contains both an objective and a subjective element. In order for a drug to be used medically, we assume that it does something to the body that is, it acts as a healing agent. This is its objective reality. But in addition a drug has to be recognized as therapeutically useful by physicians, which may not take place even if it works as a therapeutic agent. Controversy may exist with respect to whether some drugs are medically useful. For instance as of this writing, marijuana is recognized and legitimated as medicine in 10 states but not the other 40 and it is not so recognized by the federal government , heroin can be used as a painkiller in the United kingdom but not in the United states. This is the subjectively or socially constructed side of the medical definition of how drugs are defined. For explaining drug dealing I am using thre e different theories which we have discussed in the course term one. Three theories are 1) The classical school, 2) The Chicago school and 3) subcultures. The classical school: The central themes of the Classical school are not really part of Criminology. The classical school was largely inspired by the notion that society was governed by a social contract. This emphasised the importance of free will so that criminal behaviour was the result of a rational choice. Society had the rights to punish offenders and it was considered that doing so would have a different effect. In the eighteenth century so called classical thinking emerged largely in response to the arbitrary and cruel forms of punishment that continued to dominate. Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham two of the most important enlightenment thinkers in this area through coming from very different philosophical position. Both sought to limit the barbarity of eighteenth century system of justice. Beccarias general theorem is that a punishment may not be an act of violence of one or of many against a private member of society, it should be public immediate and necessary the least possible in the case given p roportionate to the crime and determined by the laws  [1]  . Successful deterrence in Beccaries view first of all required punishment to be certain. The more likely one is to be punished for ones action, the less likely one is to engage in deviant behaviour. The law must be clear and must be enforced consistently. Second, the swiftness of the punishment also has a positive impact on the violation of rules .Third, the severity of the punishment must be significant enough to deter further misconduct but no more severe than is necessary to bring about the effect  [2]  . Although the drug is used for some purposes benefit to the society like as medical purpose but the misuse pf drug can be traced in the human society from earlier. It has a great destructive effect on the society particularly on the young society as they are the most vulnerable victims of so called drug dealing. The impact of drug dealings plays a very dominant rule on the society as the abuse of misuse of drug i s capable of affecting the route on the society. The increasing impact of misuse of drug can be found in different society and in different part of the world. So drug dealing is widely recognised as an offence under different jurisdiction in the world. We should have paid more concern relating to the matter of that, how can we deal with this problem of misuse of drug. On the one hand we must ensure that proper punishment of the offenders, where as this is also important to ensure all basic rights of the offender as per direction of classical school and other theories. An offender must not be punished for others act. The law relating drug dealing must be clear and must be enforce consistently .However we need to keep it in our mind that our purpose not to punish and punish against the offenders. But put an impact of this punishment on the society thats why the people can understand easily what would happen if they commit any crime. According to the Beccaria: the end of punishment therefore is no others than to prevent the criminal from doing further injury to society and to prevent others from committing the like offence. Such punishments therefore and such a mode of inflicting them ought to be chosen as will make the strongest and most lasting impression on the minds of others with the least torment to the body of the criminal. British philosopher Jeremy Bentham adopted some of the ideas from the classical approach to punishment. He regarded our own system of punishment s as illogical and called for the introduction of a more precise and wholly enforced criminal code of 1792.Benthams theory is that human behaviour is generally directed at maximising pleasure and avoiding pain. Individuals broke the law, he felt in order to gain excitement, money, sex or something else that was valued. There were some difference s between Beccaria and Bentham. Both rejected the death penalty, through Bentham argued that it could be used in cases of murder arguing that in almost all cases its negative consequence outweighed any positive ones that might ensue. Bentham was a firm believer in the efficacy of the prison. According to Bentham the social action should be guided by the objective of ensuring the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Since misuse of drug is destructive of the whole society, so this is a criminal offence and not merely an offence against morality. This why the punishment of drug dealer must be ensured in such a manner which can be cited as a good example for society . A gain as like as Beccaria punishment are viewed by Bentham as essentially negative and they, therefore, must be restricted so as only to produce desired outcome. The punishment should be proportionate o the crime committed and must not be exceeding the limit to the crime committed. The Chicago school: In the 1930s a branch of urban sociology often referred to as the Chicago school of human ecology opened up a new approach to explaining crime. This school grew from the ideas of Robert park, who suggested there were parallels between communities of human and those of plants and animals. Park adopted some of his central concepts from biology .Chicago university has a special place in the history of criminology. Chicago was Americas second largest city and it was undergoing rapid and significant change. Half of the population of Chicago in 1900 has been born outside the USA.A city compromised several natural areas with characteristics blended from their ethnic composition, socio economic make up and physical surrounding. Patterns of change in the city paralleled changes in balance of nature. They were influenced by economic competition for space and the urban environment was affected by a process of invasion, dominance and succession. Park viewed the human population in American citie s as being migratory rather than fixed. Two members of the Chicago Shaw and Henry Mckay developed the ecological model using it as the basis for a wide ranging study of juvenile delinquency in Chicago and other American cities. For Chicago they divided the city into 140 areas of one square mile each and mapped the residences of recorded delinquents. They also divided Chicago into concentric zones and calculated the percentage of the juvenile population resident in the areas and zones. Shaw and Mckay suggested that community problems were concentrated close to the centre of the citys centre core and rates declined radically. The highest rates occurred in areas where buildings were in decay where economic status was lowest and where there were greater concentrations of recently arrived families similar results were found in American. Chicago law school represent one of the most dynamic theory of modern criminology. The finding the shaw and Mckey subjected that community problems were concentrated close to the centre of the city. The highest rate of diligence residence was found close to the city canter core and rules declined residence. According to shaw and Mckey the socio economic condition place a dominant rule behind any kind of offence. However the authenticity of this statement can also be found at a close look in the shaws and Mckeys theory . The tendency to commit any drug related offence is higher in poor and urban society than residential area. A s we know over 80% of total production of opium is being produce in Afghanistan where the socio economic condition is so poor. They are suffering from hunger and poverty which produce a fertile land for growing opium. A close attention may also reveal that potential customer of illegal drugs is much higher in the cities and the urban area rather than in residen tial area. The authenticity of this argument is proven by Shaw and Mckeys theory. Chicago law school theory also confirmed the process of invention dominance, succession is said to lead to break down of social equilibrium. Subcultures: The sub cultural explanation offered by Cloward and Ohlin extends part of Mertons theory and also incorporates some aspect of cultural transmission . Cloward and Ohlin considered that many young boys would suffer from problems of adjustment and frustrated ambition. Some would look for deviant solution .Cloward and Ohlin added a new perspective to strain theory by suggesting that access to illegitimate opportunities was unevenly distributed. As a result the types of delinquency and of associated subcultures in which those youth participated would be largely determined by the opportunities presented in the communities where they lived. Cloward and Ohlin said there were three types of delinquent subculture. Firstly, the criminal subculture: This would be found in working class areas where there was already a developed structure of illegitimate opportunities. It was mainly concerned with theft for profit. Secondly, the conflict subculture: This would develop in areas which lacked legitim ate and illegitimate opportunity structures and which were socially disorganised. Delinquent activities would resolve around gang fights. Thirdly the retreatist or double failure subculture: This subculture would be adopted by youths, looking for a deviant solution who did not become involved in one of the other subcultures because of internalised inhibitions or because they tried to do so but failed. Activities were mostly concerned with the use of drugs. An important point about Cloward and Ohlins theory is that for them a delinquent group was one which had delinquency as a central activity. Toby suggest that if they were right gang delinquency would account for less than a tenth of juvenile prosecutions in America. Now if someone asks a question that is, who is the major victim of so called drugs dealing? Obviously the answer is young people of the society. It has already made clear by cloward and ohlin theory, whereby it was stated that the young boys would suffer from problems of adjustment and frustrated ambition. And as a result they could be influenced to take drugs. The cloward and ohlin added a new perspective to strain theory by suggesting that access to illegitimate opportunities was unevenly distributed. As a result the types of delinquency and of associated subcultures in which those youth participated would be a largely determined by the opportunities presented in the communities where they lived. So this frustration about life would lead the young people to commit any crime including drug related crime and misuse of drug. It has been found in the long running Gang history in America whereby a large number of youth involved of taking illegal drugs and misuse of drugs. Drug use can be a problem to the society in two ways : objectively and subjectively .The objective or essentialist perspective defines social problems by the harm that certain condition inflict on the society death , disease, economic cost , a reduction in productivity and so on. The subjective or constructionist perspective defines social problems by the concern certain condition cause and the steps society takes to deal with them. Thus drug use the consumption of alcohol and tobacco included, are problems to society because they harm their users and the rest of us as well .And drug use is also a problem to society because many people fear and are concerned about the consumption of psychoactive substances and try to do something about reducing its extent, through legislation, law enforcement, treatment, media representations, prevention and education. The drug control system of the League of Nations was inherited by the United Nations (UN).   The World Health Organization (WHO) participation is based on a statutory responsibility for evaluating drugs for control.   UN drug control organizations underwent a variety of iterations as new pharmaceutical drugs came to market and natural drugs came under international drug control.   The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is currently the lead UN drug control organization.   UNODC has approximately 350 staff members worldwide  [3]  . Licensing and regulating the drugs trade would require international agreement to work effectively, with purchase of drugs at source from producers in developing countries. The Uk could go it alone and licence domestic cultivation and supply ,although there will always be a demand for higher quality cannabis resins (e.g. Moroccan Pollen, Charas , Nepalese, Minali etc), although this could partially be supplied by ( potentially very high potency) resins produced from domestic plants  [4]  . The financial effects of legislation and regulation of the drugs trade would have benefits in excise duty VAT, general economic growth and expenditure savings, with modest additional expenditure required to establish a regulatory authority and give the regulator effective teeth to tackle abuse of the system. Biblography: 1. Newburn, T (2009), Key reading s in Criminology, Culmcott , William. 2. Maguire, Morgan Reiner, M, R R (2002),The oxford handbook of Criminology, Cornwall, Oxford. 3. Goode, E (2005), Drugs in American Society, New York, The McGraw-Hill Companies. 4. Gossop, M (1996), Living with Drugs, England, Ashgate Publishing Ltd. 5. Illegal Drug Trade,, 03-02-10. 6.Matthew J Atha BSc MSc LL.B, Taxing the UK Drugs Market , ,03-02-10. 7.Drug policy around the World,, 02-02-10.