Saturday, August 22, 2020

My Leadership Development Plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

My Leadership Development Plan - Term Paper Example Expertly, I own a private trucking organization with a staff of four drivers. Since I seek to be better in my influential positions, I am as of now seeking after my MBA program at the North Park University in Chicago, Illinois. This will be my key in accomplishing my objective to be a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) sometime in the not so distant future. In ten years, I see myself running my own Accountancy firm. At the present time, my most noticeable influential position is in my trucking organization. Having four trucks, my laborers and I look for customers needing pulling their heaps to different spots. This involves a lot of duty both to my customers and to my laborers. I have to guarantee that my drivers are proficient and fair in carrying out their responsibilities. That implies they are genuinely, intellectually and sincerely fit to work particularly in the event that they drive the trucks for extended periods. They ought to likewise be dependable on the grounds that the cu stomers endow to our business their valuable effects. My job as a pioneer is to propel my laborers to convey top notch execution in their work and to guarantee consumer loyalty with our administrations. I might want to accept that I cling to the Transformational initiative style. Bass (1990)1 clarifies that transformational initiative style depends on building commitment and support, driving the group to perform at a superior standard than previously. Moreover, the pioneer motivates an elevating of mindfulness about issues of outcome. This mindfulness keeps the group watchful to do everything directly so as to accomplish positive results rather than negative ones. Bass (1985) depicts the transformational pioneer as having a dream for the group, self-assurance just as inward solidarity to battle for what is â€Å"right or acceptable, not for what is well known or is adequate as per the set up intelligence of time†2. I endeavor to adjust to the four components of transformation al initiative that Den Hartog et al. (1997) comprises3. Appeal is the first, with the pioneer giving vision and strategic ingraining pride in his supporters in this way picking up regard and trust for himself. He can expand their good faith. Second come motivation, which characterizes if the pioneer goes about as a model, conveys a dream, sets elevated requirements and utilizations images to center endeavors. Next is singular thoughtfulness regarding every part. The pioneer mentors, coaches and gives input to every one of his devotees ensuring they are directed to the correct way. In conclusion, measurement of scholarly test gives a leader’s supporters a progression of testing new thoughts planned for reexamining old methods of getting things done, challenge imperfect frameworks and advancement of cautious critical thinking practices. As to the moral kinds that impact my moral dynamic, I discovered that principally, it is deontology and optionally, it is traditionalism. This implies my inclination when settling on moral choices is to follow endorsed obligations that have been forced by temperance on a person.4 These are obligations to constancy, or keeping guarantees made; obligations of reparation or making up for wrong activities done to other people; obligations of appreciation or compensating others for past favors done; obligations of equity or the conveyance of merchandise as per one’s benefits; obligations of value or improving the states of others; obligations of personal growth or improving oneself; and obligations of nonmaleficence or the shirking and counteraction of injury to other people. My conventionalism moral sort alludes to my interview with my family, companions and associates before I settle on a moral choice. I discover their suppositions significant. Considering my qualities and shortcomings is one thing I continue pondering in my excursion as a pioneer. As I push ahead, I am certain that I am in charge of my family and am d oing a

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Scripture of Rebecca Solnit On Books That Help You Survive Life

The Scripture of Rebecca Solnit On Books That Help You Survive Life My bedroom at home (some people I know now refer to their version of this place as my parents house, but it is still home to me) overlooks a small forest on the other side of which is the local high schools baseball field. On purple spring nights, as I would read or paint my nails, I could hear the crack of aluminum bats and the swell of crowds. It was an adolescent symphony from which I was totally disconnected; something I had a vague curiosity about, but that somehow didnt apply to me at all. I got older. But that feeling that somewhere across the trees were people living their lives, doing things differently, doing things I couldnt quite access persisted after high school. After graduation, Life took my handful of close friends, put them up to her lips, and blew. We landed all across the country. I looked up, blinking, and was suddenly in Michigan, in a dorm room overlooking a courtyard. At night, people would smoke in the courtyard, and even in the winter, low laughter found its way under my pillow. It was like being haunted; I never saw these people, just the brief flickers of cigarettes being lit. That first year in college, I was reading a lot of Rebecca Solnit, and she introduced me to the concept of the faraway nearby. It was a term that began with the artist Georgia OKeeffe, who after moving to New Mexico signed her letters with the phrase. Solnit describes the faraway nearby as a way to measure physical and psychic geography together…you can be a thousand miles away from the person next to you in bed, or deeply invested in the survival of a stranger on the other side of the world. There was something desperate in my correspondence with my high school friends.  We wrote long, flowery emails about nothing in particular the weather, certain buildings on campus, how homesick we were or werent. We called each other walking home from parties, leaving voicemails for the sleeping recipient, Hi, Im scared, Im drunk, its late, I love you. The faraway nearby lent a name to what I was feeling. We were further away and closer than ever. Having spent most of high school aching to be somewhere else, I finally felt connected to home while walking the still-unfamiliar streets of Ann Arbor. We started signing our missives like OKeeffe.  Much of what Solnit wrote about in her collection The Faraway Nearby became more and more relevant as time passed. Solnit wrote you can rescue someone from danger, but not from change and death; the soldier who survives the battle becomes someone else, something else, somewhere else, and this soldier became a friend who suffered a trauma and came home to us thinner and steelier than before. Another spent the summer in Brooklyn, and then the next in Bolivia, the following fall in Greece, the winter in Johannesburg, running simultaneously towards and away. Solnit wrote of travel that distant places give us refuge in territories where our own histories arent so deeply entrenched and we can imagine other stories, other selves, or just drink up quiet and respite. This friend titled her travel blog From the Faraway Nearby. It became a Bible of sorts. There was a passage to consult for everything. Little by little, however, things changed. For more than a year I carried around unhappiness like a stone in my pocket, but I started leaving it at home, more and more often. I started to like Ann Arbor and then I started to love it. Emails and letters became less frequent, because , as always happens when one becomes content, I had less to say. Finally, at the end of my sophomore year, I read a new book,  The Feast of Love  by Charles Baxter. It was not about traveling, art, or time. It was about, of all places, Ann Arbor.  It was about relationships that sometimes didnt work out and sometimes did. It was about the Midwest. It was about things that suddenly rang true for me, because I was a person whose nearby had started to hold more appeal and whose faraway seemed increasingly so. It wasnt that I felt less connected to my  high school friends I still consider them my soul mates. It was just that for the first time in basically forever, I was starting to make my way through the trees, so to speak. I went to a party and actually had a good time. I impulsively Facebook messaged  a cool girl from my French class and she became one of my best friends. I told a boy I love you and I meant it. I turned to  The Faraway Nearby  for distance. I turned to  The Feast of Love  for closeness. To the people around me, it may have looked like nothing changed I was still reading a book by my bedroom window. But for me, everything had changed. Near the end of the novel, one of Baxters characters remarks: Im no longer a story. Happiness has made me fade into real life. I think Im still a story. Maybe, though, Im no longer a Solnit essay.

The Scripture of Rebecca Solnit On Books That Help You Survive Life

The Scripture of Rebecca Solnit On Books That Help You Survive Life My bedroom at home (some people I know now refer to their version of this place as my parents house, but it is still home to me) overlooks a small forest on the other side of which is the local high schools baseball field. On purple spring nights, as I would read or paint my nails, I could hear the crack of aluminum bats and the swell of crowds. It was an adolescent symphony from which I was totally disconnected; something I had a vague curiosity about, but that somehow didnt apply to me at all. I got older. But that feeling that somewhere across the trees were people living their lives, doing things differently, doing things I couldnt quite access persisted after high school. After graduation, Life took my handful of close friends, put them up to her lips, and blew. We landed all across the country. I looked up, blinking, and was suddenly in Michigan, in a dorm room overlooking a courtyard. At night, people would smoke in the courtyard, and even in the winter, low laughter found its way under my pillow. It was like being haunted; I never saw these people, just the brief flickers of cigarettes being lit. That first year in college, I was reading a lot of Rebecca Solnit, and she introduced me to the concept of the faraway nearby. It was a term that began with the artist Georgia OKeeffe, who after moving to New Mexico signed her letters with the phrase. Solnit describes the faraway nearby as a way to measure physical and psychic geography together…you can be a thousand miles away from the person next to you in bed, or deeply invested in the survival of a stranger on the other side of the world. There was something desperate in my correspondence with my high school friends.  We wrote long, flowery emails about nothing in particular the weather, certain buildings on campus, how homesick we were or werent. We called each other walking home from parties, leaving voicemails for the sleeping recipient, Hi, Im scared, Im drunk, its late, I love you. The faraway nearby lent a name to what I was feeling. We were further away and closer than ever. Having spent most of high school aching to be somewhere else, I finally felt connected to home while walking the still-unfamiliar streets of Ann Arbor. We started signing our missives like OKeeffe.  Much of what Solnit wrote about in her collection The Faraway Nearby became more and more relevant as time passed. Solnit wrote you can rescue someone from danger, but not from change and death; the soldier who survives the battle becomes someone else, something else, somewhere else, and this soldier became a friend who suffered a trauma and came home to us thinner and steelier than before. Another spent the summer in Brooklyn, and then the next in Bolivia, the following fall in Greece, the winter in Johannesburg, running simultaneously towards and away. Solnit wrote of travel that distant places give us refuge in territories where our own histories arent so deeply entrenched and we can imagine other stories, other selves, or just drink up quiet and respite. This friend titled her travel blog From the Faraway Nearby. It became a Bible of sorts. There was a passage to consult for everything. Little by little, however, things changed. For more than a year I carried around unhappiness like a stone in my pocket, but I started leaving it at home, more and more often. I started to like Ann Arbor and then I started to love it. Emails and letters became less frequent, because , as always happens when one becomes content, I had less to say. Finally, at the end of my sophomore year, I read a new book,  The Feast of Love  by Charles Baxter. It was not about traveling, art, or time. It was about, of all places, Ann Arbor.  It was about relationships that sometimes didnt work out and sometimes did. It was about the Midwest. It was about things that suddenly rang true for me, because I was a person whose nearby had started to hold more appeal and whose faraway seemed increasingly so. It wasnt that I felt less connected to my  high school friends I still consider them my soul mates. It was just that for the first time in basically forever, I was starting to make my way through the trees, so to speak. I went to a party and actually had a good time. I impulsively Facebook messaged  a cool girl from my French class and she became one of my best friends. I told a boy I love you and I meant it. I turned to  The Faraway Nearby  for distance. I turned to  The Feast of Love  for closeness. To the people around me, it may have looked like nothing changed I was still reading a book by my bedroom window. But for me, everything had changed. Near the end of the novel, one of Baxters characters remarks: Im no longer a story. Happiness has made me fade into real life. I think Im still a story. Maybe, though, Im no longer a Solnit essay.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Illegal Immigrants and the Educational System Essay

Illegal Immigrants and the Educational System Secondary education is a highly debated subject. Many critics of secondary education say that inner-city high schools and students are not receiving the same attention as students from non inner-city high schools. Two of the biggest concerns are the lack of school funding that inner-city high schools are receive and the low success rate in sending inner-city high schools graduates to college. Critics say that while inner-city high schools struggle to pay its teachers and educate its student’s non inner-city high schools don’t have to deal with the lack of school funding. Also students from non inner-city high school are not being given the opportunity to attend colleges once the†¦show more content†¦Supreme Court decided in Plyler v. Doe that the equal protection provision of the Constitutions 14th Amendment requires public schools to admit illegal alien children, on the presumption that denial of public education to children whose parents brought them illegal ly to the United States is not a rational response to states concerns about illegal immigration. 1 The opinion, however, was based on specific circumstances that could change and it did not apply to education beyond mandatory public schooling (qtd. in Stewart, par. 8). This ruling by the Supreme Court gives the opportunity for illegal immigrant students to attend any public school even though that they are violating the law by being here in the United States illegally. Now the burdens are of the Supreme Court are being felt by public schools all over the United States. This in turn is hurting students who are citizens of the U.S. by depriving them of the fundamental right of education. How bad does the situation have to get before laws begin to change so that public schools can be safe from illegal immigrants? Well if it isn’t bad enough, the National Association of Bilingual Education states: Between 1990 and 2000, enrollment increased by 14 percent [†¦] without school-age immigrants (about 250,000) and the children of immigrants (725,000 a year), school enrollment would not be rising at allShow MoreRelatedImmigrant Children and U.S Education1257 Words   |  6 Pagesgovernment to any school age children, immigrants both legal and illegal continue to be attracted to the United States, migrating in an attempt to provide better opportunities for their families and themselves. As the number of illegal immigrants living in the United states continues to rise and the percentage of illegal immigrant households which consist of children also continues to rise, it is important for the American government to examine the effect that these illegal children are having on the UnitedRead MoreThe Economic Impact Of Illegal Immigration902 Words   |  4 PagesThe economic impact of illegal immigrants in Texas has brought concerns for the state s economy. Such as opportunities, hea lth care, and education. Illegal immigrants contribute both positively and negatively to the Texas economy. They contribute positively by paying for taxes such as sales taxes, health taxes and taxes imposed on items. The negative impacts these immigrants have on the Texas economy seems to overweigh these positive impacts. Their presence has made general wages go down for unqualifiedRead MoreThe Devastating Impacts Of Illegal Immigration1368 Words   |  6 Pages Sheldon Jackson Argumentative Essay â€Å"The Devastating Impacts of Illegal Immigration† If ever there was a polarizing problem growing in the U.S., illegal immigration is definitely exploding to the top. This issue is at the center of the political arena and debate. It has the heart and minds of the nation stirring. President Obama wrote, We have to deal with the 11 million individuals who are here illegally. We all agree that these men and women should have to earn their way to citizenshipRead MoreCompare and Contrast Illegal Immigration1367 Words   |  6 Pages English 100 Illegal Immigration’s Effect towards the U.S The United States is a country affected by illegal immigration. The term illegal aliens or what is most commonly known as illegal immigrants, the word alien is simply a person who comes from a foreign country. A much more accurate expression for these groups of individuals is the term illegal alien. The term illegal alien is a much more precise term because it deals with both undocumented aliens as well as nonimmigrant visa overstayersRead MoreShould Immigration Really Be One Of The Biggest Concerns Today?1300 Words   |  6 Pagesago. It became a hot topic in the U.S. with its primary focus being illegal immigrants. â€Å"Illegal immigration† is the migration of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. According to, the Republicans biggest mission is to provide political support for Republican candidates who want to â€Å"fix† the broken immigration system. Many people approve and disapprove this idea. In 2012, the foreign-bornRead MoreAmerican Immigration Entropy : The Land Of Opportunity And The Nation Of Immigrants996 Words   |  4 Pagesland of opportunity and the nation of immigrants. The United States of America, one of the largest and most influential countries today, is and always has been a grand attraction to people all over the world. America has become home to people from all corners on this planet; especially to Europeans seeking wealth and religious freedom, to several African slaves brought to America against their will from the 17th to 19th centuries; and today to the major immigrant groups in America: Asians and LatinRead MoreSynthesis Article On Illegal Immigration1278 Words   |  6 PagesSynthesis on Illegal Immigration Most Americans today believe that illegal immigration is an issue that the country really doesn t know how to handle, but is one of the most important to solve now. The reason this problem is so important is because everyone has an opinion for the sake of politics or just as their two cents. People of higher class and those buried in the poverty line have different reasons as to why this is an over-exaggerated issue or a serious toxin to the United States. The wealthyRead MoreU.s. Immigration Today s Economic Stability1436 Words   |  6 Pagesborder, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words†-Donald Trump. Whether the United States builds a wall, deports hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, or does nothing about it, the so called â€Å"uncontrollable problem† of immigration is still present today. America, for the past 100 years, has been faced with this dilemma that immigrants come and pursue the American dream but some doing it illegally. Not on ly has that been an added contribution to the issue of America’s economic stabilityRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And The United States1248 Words   |  5 Pagesa half million unauthorized immigrants in the United States in 2014. The population has remained stable for five years, and currently makes up three and half percent of the nation’s population. In the United States Labor Force, there were eight million unauthorized immigrants either working or looking for work in 2014. Is it ethical to employ illegal immigrants? According to the Pew Research Center, Currently, â€Å"49% of US citizens agree with the statement â€Å"immigrants today strengthen the countryRead MoreImmigration Is Not A Bad Thing Essay1237 Words   |  5 Pagessupport of illegal immigrants entering the states and taking advantage of funds not allotted for them. To address this economic decline due to illegal immigration, this country needs to enforce the immigration laws and finish the closure of the border between Mexico and the United States. The increasing number of illegal immigrants entering into the United States has multiplied tremendously and this caused a negative impact on the economy of this country. The main reason the immigrants leave their

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Financial Analysis of Apple Inc. - 795 Words

Financial Analysis (Submitted by) Abstract The following paper aims at discussing the financial position of the American multinational corporation, Apple inc., which designs and markets consumer electronics, computers and personal computers mobile communication devices, and portable digital music and video players, as well as sells various related software, services, peripherals, and networking solutions. Apple Inc. together with subsidiaries sells its products worldwide through its online stores, retail stores, direct sales force, third-party wholesalers, resellers, and value-added resellers. The company sells its products to consumer, small and mid-sized business, education, enterprise, government, and creative customers. As of†¦show more content†¦2009, 2008 amp; 2007 is determined through the following ratios: Liquidity Analysis | | | | | | S. No. | Detail | Working | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | a. | Current Ratio | $36,265/$19,282 | 1.88 | 2.29 | 2.36 | b. | Quick ratio | $36265-$455/$19,282 | 1.86 | 2.26 | 2.32 | c. | Collection Period(in days) | $3361*365/$36,537 | 34 | 27 | 25 | d. | No. of days sales in | $455*365/$23,397 | 7 | 9 | 8 | | ending inventory (in days) | | | | | The company is still highly liquid but this liquidity trend is in declining trend as current ratio 2.36 in 2007 is declined to 2.29 in 2008 and further declined to 1.88 in 2009. This declining trend is mainly due to increase in collection period of the sale and decrease in number of day’s sale in ending inventory as depicted above. Profitability Analysis: S. No. | Detail | Working | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | a. | Gross Profit percentage | $13,140/$36,537 | 35.96% | 34.31% | 33.97% | b. | Operating income percentage | $7,658/$36,537 | 20.96% | 19.32% | 18.37% | c. | Return on Equity | $5,704/$27,832 | 20.49% | 22.99% | 24.06% | d. | Return on Assets | $5,704/$53,851 | 10.59% | 12.22% | 13.79% | e. | Cash return on assets | $10,159/$53,851 | 0.19 | 0.24 | 0.22 | f. | Quality of income | $10,159/$5,704 | 1.78% | 1.99% | 1.56% | There is an increasing trend in profit of the company over the last three years i.e. 2007 to 2009. TheShow MoreRelatedFinancial Analysis of Apple, Inc.2114 Words   |  9 PagesCompany Background Apple, Inc. (formerly known as Apple Computer, Inc.) was incorporated in the State of California in 1977. Apple currently designs, manufactures, and markets a variety of computer and personal electronic products, including Macintosh computers, and the iPod digital music player. AppleÕs key markets are consumers, creative professionals, educational institutions, and business users. For nearly twenty years, Apple computers have been the industry standard for creative industriesRead MoreMicrosoft And Apple Inc. Financial Analysis Essay1012 Words   |  5 Pages Financial Ratios Name of student Name of institution â€Æ' Microsoft and Apple Inc. Financial Analysis The financial analysis expressed in this paper shows a comparison of two large firms in the communication and technology industry. Microsoft and Apple Inc. both deal in telecommunication gadgets and accessories within the United States and around the world. The paper focuses on the financial comparison of the two companies for two fiscal years of the year 2014 and 2015. A close analysisRead MoreFinancial Analysis And Assessment Of Apple Inc. Essay937 Words   |  4 PagesThis paper intends to provide a financial analysis and assessment of Apple Inc. from the years of 2005 to 2009. The evaluation is based on the numbers calculated from the data on Apple Inc.’s Financial Performance Worksheets. This paper covers three areas. The first part of the paper contains a brief history of Apple and the position of the organization in the market of computers. The second part is a calculation of Apple s performance and the reasons for their success. Finally, a conclusionRead MoreFina ncial Analysis Of Apple, Inc. Essay1861 Words   |  8 PagesCompany Background Apple, Inc. (formerly known as Apple Computer, Inc.) was incorporated in the State of California in 1977. Apple currently designs, manufactures, and markets a variety of computer and personal electronic products, including Macintosh computers, and the iPod digital music player. AppleÕs key markets are consumers, creative professionals, educational institutions, and business users. For nearly twenty years, Apple computers have been the industry standard for creative industriesRead MoreEssay about Apple Inc. Financial Analysis2812 Words   |  12 PagesAPPLE Inc. (AAPL) Accounting and Financial Profile [pic] Name Sachitanand Karnakote Choong Chee Lai Lei Qiu Alcides Santopietro Denisa Voicu September 2008 Contents Introduction 2 The company and its activities 2 Industry Competition 2 Recommendation 3 Accounting choices and Quality of Earnings 4 Ratios analysis 6 Liquidity: 6 Solvency: 7 Profitability: 8 Market: 8 Relevant Disclosures 9 Risks 9 Analysis of Apple Inc. corporate strategy 10 Introduction Read MoreEssay on Financial Analysis of Apple, Inc.1980 Words   |  8 PagesWhen looking at the financial performance of a company, it is important to examine the financial ratios. There are several different classifications of financial ratios. Profitability ratios show the profitability of the company. Liquidity ratios deal with the current assets and current liabilities of the company, and they determine how the company is performing with their liquid finances. Leverage ratios deal with the company’s debt, and how they affect performance. Activity ratios deal with a company’sRead MoreA Financial Ratio Quarterly Trend Analysis of Apple, Inc.3198 Words   |  13 PagesA Financial Ratio Quarterly Trend Analysis of Apple, Inc. Stock Symbol: AAPL Listed on NASDAQ Prepared for: Department of Finance and Real Estate Florida International University In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course: By: Introduction This report provides a financial quarterly trend analysis for Apple Inc. The U.S. based company (formerly Apple Computer, Inc.) is an American multinational corporation that designs and sells consumer electronics, computerRead MoreApple Inc vs. Philips: Financial Analysis996 Words   |  4 Pagesaccording to Weygandt, Kimmel and Kieso (2009), dictates that companies recognize revenue in the accounting period in which it is earned. The reporting of revenue generally affects not only the results of the operations of a given entity but also its financial position. In that regard, the relevance of understanding both the concepts as well as practices of revenue recognition cannot be overstated. In the words of Nikolai, Bazley and Jones (2009), revenues should be recognized when (1) realization hasRead MoreApple Inc: Analysis of Financial Statement Essay examples2094 Words   |  9 PagesAn Analysis of the Financial Statements of Apple Intermediate Accounting III INTRODUCTION I chose Apple for my course project mainly based on the fact that they release all their records to the public and they have excellent accounting practices. Their paper work is easy to read and follow and based on their records they have an endless amount of revenue in the billions. As we have discussed about Apple in class I was very intrigued how they looked in the books on a specific level of detailRead More Apple Inc. Financial Analysis Case Study Essay examples3623 Words   |  15 Pages Apple Inc.’s Financial Analysis case study will cover the nine-step assessment process to evaluate the company’s future financial health. The nine-step evaluation process will entail the following: 1) Fundamental analysis covers objectives, plan of action, market, competing technology, and governing and operational traits, 2) Fundamental analysis-revenue direction, 3) Investments to support the firm’s entities action plan, 4) Forthcoming profit and competitive accomplishment, 5) Forthcoming

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Electronic Medical Records ( Emr ) - 1366 Words

Introduction The Electronic Medical Records (EMR) is a secure source of information that give clinicians real-time access to a variety of patient health information. It is a new technology in the health and hospital information field where clinical, demographic, and management information is entered in a electronic record. EMR information can be accessed such as patient history, billing or insurance data, allergies, immunizations, medications, orders, laboratory tests, diagnostic results, and images with just pushing a few keystrokes. It is an application technology that has enormous potential to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of health care through decreased medical errors, increased preventative care and improved detection and treatment (Fiato, K. A., 2012). The other terms used to describe EMR include hospital information system (HIS), computerized system (CS), and computerized physician order entry system (CPOE). This computerized setting supports the patient’s EMR across inpatient and outpatient environments and is used by health care providers to manage, monitor, and document health care delivery within a care delivery organization. The health care industry has learned from other industries that computers facilitate the speed of communication, the accuracy of information, capacity for information storage, data retrieval, and date revision. Leaders in the health care industry are developing computerized clinical record systems to manage the huge volume ofShow MoreRelatedElectronic Medical Records ( Emr )1245 Words   |  5 PagesElectronic medical records (EMR) Introduction For centuries, paper-based records were the only way of communicating patient’s medical records throughout the health care system. Gradually, for the past two decades, the healthcare system has been transitioning toward computerized systems called electronic medical records better knowns as EMR. Dr. Clem McDonald from the Regenstrief Institute stated that his â€Å"goal was to solve three problems, to eliminate the logistical problems of the paper recordsRead MoreElectronic Medical Record ( Emr ) Essay1401 Words   |  6 PagesElectronic Medical Record Introduction The introduction of computers has allowed the medical community to rapidly change the way they practice. Healthcare providers are no longer using paper records but have instead opted to utilize an electronic medical Record (EMR). While not all offices and hospitals have switched to an EMR it is becoming more standard to be a routine part of healthcare. Now patients can even view their health care records on the cellphones. Providers can access a patient’sRead MoreElectronic Medical Record ( Emr )952 Words   |  4 Pagespatient records available throughout a health care network ( 2006). To the point that congress in 2009 put aside billions of dollars from the stimulus package, to create incentives for meaningful use of Health Information Technology (HIT) to physicians or health organizations. Nonetheless, despite the bright future and potential benefits of HIT some conflicts still rise about its complete adaptation and success in the future. Mainly to those particular HITs, Electronic Medical Records (EMR), PersonalRead MoreElectronic Medical Record ( Emr )1688 Words   |  7 Pagesgovernment pushed for the automation of Electronic Medical Record (EMR), hospitals and private practices were required to follow the government mandate to avail of the incentives and at the same time to qualify for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements. Moving from paper to electronic records was a monumental tasks not only in the implementation of the software but also in training all hospital providers to properly use the EMR. In 2010, the University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS) decided to switchRead MoreElectronic Medical Record ( Emr ) Essay1810 Words   |  8 Pages Data Errors in Electronic Medical Records Amanda Baksh Nursing 232 Professor Virgona May 19,2015 An Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is a digital account of a paper chart in a health facility. It comprises of a systematic collection of treatment and medical account of the individual patients in one practice. An EMR permits a medical officer to keep track of data over time, simply recognize which patients are in line for for preventative screenings, look how patients are faring on particularRead MoreElectronic Medical Records ( Emr )1322 Words   |  6 PagesTechnology Technology plays a vital role on the overall productivity of a medical practice. Electronic medical records (EMR) are commonly used by both large and small practices. They offer practices an efficient mean of storing patient data; furthermore, the government offer incentives for meaningful use of electronic medical records. Generally when it comes to implementing an EMR, it is necessary to choose the right vendor. EMRs usually fall into three vendor systems: single-vendor, best-of-breed, andRead MoreElectronic Medical Record ( Emr ) Essay1758 Words   |  8 PagesAn electronic medical record (EMR) is a digital version of the paper based medical record for an individual. An electronic medical record contains the standard medical and clinical data gathered in one provider’s office. Electronic health record goes beyond the data collected in the provider’s office and includes a more inclusive patient history. This system is intended to store data that accurately captures the state of a patient across time. One reason why health care organizations have beenRead MoreElectronic Medical Record ( Emr )1685 Words   |  7 Pages An electronic medical record (EMR) is a digital version of the paper based medical record for an individual. An electronic medical record contains the standard medical and clinical data gathered in one provider’s office. Electronic health record goes beyond the data collected in the provider’s office and includes a more inclusive patient history. This system is intended to store data that accurately captures the state of a patient across time. One reason why health care organizations have beenRead MoreElectronic Medical Record ( Emr )1574 Words   |  7 Pagesthe United States. In 2008, ONC decided on terms used to identify patient’s records. Within the clinical information system, there are three different types of patient records being used. Electronic medical record (EMR) is used primarily in hospitals and is a way for staff to digitally record patient information. This information details the care the patient received at the healthcare facility. A patient can have several EMRs from different offices. Those that meet national standards can integrateRead MoreThe Electronic Medical Record ( Emr )1626 Words   |  7 PagesMeaningful Use and its Development The electronic medical record (EMR) is the replacement of paper manual charts and is being used all across the country. As per Hebda and Czar (2013), the EMR is the â€Å"building block† of the electronic health record (EHR), which can be defined as â€Å"a longitudinal record that includes client data, demographics, clinician notes, medications, diagnostic findings, and other essential healthcare information† (p.293). The widespread use of EHR’s in America is foreseeable

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Managing Yourself and Leaders and Managers †

Question: Discuss about the Managing Yourself and Leaders and Managers. Answer: Introduction: Depending on the type of the website under testing, a usability test may include the collecting of personal data if the researcher is requiring the participants to enter accurate data. However, this may be highly unlikely since most of the data collected will be just for testing whether the tool in question is working properly. It is subjective to the ICT department to determine whether or not it will be necessary to allow a consent form for the internal workers. Since the testing is within the company and for the company, it may not be necessary for the internal workers to need the form. However, it would be necessary to consider the feelings and the opinions of the internal participants before they begin participating in the testing in regard to the code 1.2.2 (c) which dictates that understand, and give due regard to the perceptions of those affected by your work;. It would be necessary to design a different consent form that is specific to the internal group. While indeed a conse nt form is necessary for participants to understand in entirety the terms of the testing, it is also the subjective decision of the ICT department to know what will bring maximum satisfaction while at the same time meet the goal of the testing. In addition, usability testing should be seen as a task that every employee in the company should feel obliged to participate in since their views might be more useful in increasing their satisfaction than the external participants. However, the main determining factor is creating a clear platform for all the participants to willingly agree to the terms of the usability testing while respecting and protecting their privacy. The speaker uses a number of techniques to pin his persuasion. First, he helps his audience understand and appreciate the topic by painting it out to them in words. He acknowledges the Aboriginals' identity and the fact that they are indigenous and the oldest culture. Second, he seems to understand all the sides of his audience. On one side, the indigenous people which he is trying to persuade to forget and on the other side the perceived wrong doers who might not agree that they are at fault. By putting himself in the wrong-side and taking the blame, he is likely to convince the audience from both sides. He as well acknowledges all the side including the opposition, the government, the indigenous people, non-indigenous, Commonwealth, and state. The speaker attempts to win the language game by simply putting himself in the event, accepting being at fault and urging the wronged people to forgive and move on as a continent. The speaker uses a number of linguistic devices to deliver his point. For example, he uses colloquialism when he says For the future we take heart.... Although the word itself is not formal, he uses it relates to his audience more. Another colloquial example used is righting the wrongs. Another device used by the speaker is pathos. He describes the injustices of the aboriginals in great details to enlist emotions among the audience. There is also a great use of word choice employed by the speaker. Words such as great country, equal opportunities and so on are used to create a mood of togetherness and unity throughout the speech. Procrastination refers to the perpetual delay of tasks that are due. It is a serious psychological issue that might hinder the progress and development of an individual. Procrastination comes about as a result of conflicting decisions between the desire to complete the required task and the lack of motivation for doing the same task. It is important to distinguish procrastination and forgetting. While forgetting means you did not remember the task, procrastination, on the other hand, involves being fully aware of the task and what is required to be done. In my experience, most of the task I have procrastinated were tasks that I could have achieved with moderate effort. Lecture 2 was the best lesson to me. It was about self-management and leadership management. The lessons in the lecture taught an understanding of the hierarchy of needs, scheduling oneself, stress management techniques and goals planning. The lecture was very practical making it easy to apply the knowledge as almost instantly. The concepts were easy to grasp and since they involved day to day life, I began practicing them one by one. However, the lecture was long with many concepts put together in one lesson. This made it difficult to apply all the concepts from one lecture. One has to note them down and practice them with time. Understanding the principles of time management and learning about prioritizing has enabled me to develop. Although I am picking the concepts at a slow pace, I am trying to practice each principle at a time. I have started by keeping a journal. In it, I record inspiring moments whether good or bad. Reflecting on these moments has enabled me to understand where I need to correct and not. In addition to that, I have improved in prioritizing the most important tasks before embarking o other tasks. I believe with time I will be able to grasp all the concepts and put them into practice. I am planning to take the following steps to ensure that I further develop as far as self-management and professionalism is concerned: Keep an active diary to note daily tasks before going to sleep. This will allow me to plan my day prior. Prioritize my long term and short term goals and have them written down in a notebook. This will be important to ensure I keep myself on track. Note all significant memories down. Reading about what I have done through the day will help identify what I need to improve on. Have a yearly planner with my school time table included. With a yearly planner, I will be able to know what will be due in time and be able to plan my time well. References Code of Professional Conduct v2, vol. 122. Australia: Australian Computer Society, 2017. B. Chowdhury, "Managing Yourself Leaders and Managers", Melbourne Institute of Technology, 2017. "What are linguistic devices?",, 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 27- Aug- 2017].